Beach Duplex Landscaping Serving Families Throughout Atlantic Beach

Neptune Beach Duplex Landscaping

Many busy professionals with beach rental properties need a company to provide drainage upgrades, landscaping improvements, carpentry, and regular maintenance services. That was precisely the case with this high-demand Neptune Beach duplex landscaping project.

Our first step after being contacted by the client for a design consultation was for the designer to meet on-site, listen to the client’s vision for the landscape, and develop a plan within the client’s budget. Rockaway Landscape Designer David Holloway listened to the client and came up with a plan that worked for landscape clean-up and installation of hardscaping, drainage improvements, a repurposed privacy panel from our carpentry division, and low-maintenance pollinator attracting new plantings.

Alex Markowski, Rockaway landscape foreman, and his crew implemented the design plan that started with cleaning out weeds, leaves, and underbrush, followed by drainage improvements that extended downspouts underground and away from the duplex.

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