Our science-based agronomic services are focused on cost saving sustainability to optimize plant health with minimal environmental impacts. These involve understanding plants, soil conditions, nutrient management, irrigation techniques, and pest control. Agronomics services are typically a part of large scale agricultural projects that Rockaway incorporates in our residential and commercial landscape maintenance programs including turf management, lawn, shrub, and tree fertilization, weed control, plant growth regulation, and soil aeration.
–Agronomics for Residential Homeowners
Environmentally conscience homeowners looking for curb appeal, and a healthy landscape should consider the benefits of agronomics. Agronomics is the study of optimizing plant health and productivity, and it involves understanding soil conditions, nutrient management, water usage, and overall plant health. LEARN MORE
–Agronomics for Commercial Properties
Commercial property owners and property manager’s are utilizing Rockaway agronomics in their lawn care programs for the benefit of their landscapes and bottom line. By incorporating sustainable agronomic services into your landscape maintenance and lawn care regimen, you save money in the long run and have a healthier, more aesthetically pleasing lawn with reduced environmental impact. LEARN MORE
-Tree & Shrub Soil Injection Fertilization Service
One of the most effective ways currently available to protect trees and the ecological web dependent on them is the proper application of Davey Arbor Green Tree Fertilizer. Rockaway provides this fertilizer injection service that’s long lasting providing a more sustainable solution than typical foliar or granular applications. LEARN MORE
–Lawn Aeration Service
Homeowners often wonder why their fertilization isn’t effective at greening their turf after a few years. Aeration is a simple yet effective lawn care practice offering many benefits to your lawn. LEARN MORE
–Plant Growth Regulators
Plant growth regulators, also known as plant hormones, are valuable for commercial and residential landscapes. Find out more about the benefits of Rockaways use of plant growth regulators. LEARN MORE
–Palm Bud Drench
Rockaway’s Agronomics division also offers palm bud drench service to combat the threat of infestation by weevils and bud rot.
Additional Agronomics Articles:
Common Spring Insect Problems in North Florida
Summer Lawn Pests and Diseases
Patch Turf Disease Prevention and Control
Contact us to get started with sustainable agronomic services today!
From our office in Atlantic Beach and satellites throughout Northeast Florida, Rockaway Inc proudly serves both commercial and residential landscape design, maintenance, lawn care, irrigation, and outdoor living carpentry client needs in Jacksonville, St Augustine, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra, Nocatee, St. Johns, and Fernandina Beach.