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Start a new tradition this holiday season by designing both inside and out with long lasting Cyclamen. Their preference for cool weather and low light makes them ideal for this time of year. You can grow Cyclamen here in North Florida outdoors in dap-pled light or shade, on a porch, or indoors where they benefit from the coolest parts of your home. Even from a distance the vibrant colors are noticeable; up close they are even more enjoyable as many of them are scented. Flower colors can be found in shades of red, pink, lavender, violet and white washed with jewel tones. Even the leaves are attractive, in variegated green or silver.
For optimal growth and longevity of color (plants can often be in flower November through March here), use a well draining soil that’s kept moist, night-time temperature be-low 50° if possible, but not prolonged below freezing without protection, and provide about 4 to 6 hours of indirect light daily. Water from the top or bottom but avoid splashing the center of the plant. You can fertilize monthly with water soluble fertilizer mixed at half-strength and old flower stems can be removed from the crown.
When the weather begins to warm, the leaves of cyclamen start yellowing as they go into dormancy. Since our warm weather is usually too wet for them, Cyclamen are best grown here as a special winter annual.